Saturday, June 19, 2010

Questions to consider

The assembled delegates are now about to discuss some key strategic questions to guide us over the next five years. Here are the questions, please send us your feedback on this questions:

How should D&P adapt its strategies for 2011-2016?

What priorities should we focus on as an organization for our work within Canada?

What guidelines would you propose, to be built into the strategic plan?

How should we adapt our strategies to take a clearer position on ongoing issues around us?

How should our successes and our weaknesses guide our strategies for the period 2011-2016?

How can the work of our Southern partners (learning, inspiration) guide our strategies in Canada for the period 2011-2016?


  1. Re our work within Canada, I think we should always try to make linkages with similar situations in Canada to help Catholics/Canadians see how our brothers and sisters in Canada face some of the same injustices and struggles as our brothers and sisters in the Global South. It may make it more real - as do exposure trips and solidarity visitors - and help people to see the "us" in "them".

  2. I think it would also be useful to hear from the CCCB more often on social justice issues, especially as new instances of injustice in which we in the North may be complicit arise. Also it would be so encouraging to see statements of support for our work and how what we do is a reflection of our Catholic faith and not just when they have to defend us in response to criticism.

  3. I believe that it is our individual duties to make known through all types of media, talks, presentations and group meetings the intentions, principles, and infamous work that Development and Peace does. We need to advertise in film, social and magazine media, publicize in parish bulletins, incorporate into our interest groups - projects and words. Let's have Fair Trade coffee and tea booths, information stands. We need to talk from the pulpits and integrate fully other denominations that follow the plights of our aims and goals of total global justice "to be heard".
