Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ideas emerging and taking shape

The assembled members just participated in groups discussions that included delegates in provinces across Canada who participated by telephone conference.

Here are some of the ideas that emerged:

Try to have a better influence on the politics of the North
To support women's groups
To build alliances at the membership base and strengthen the capacity of the membership
To promote our legitimacy
Stabilize finances
Emphasize the Catholic Social Teachings
Adapt our message and our material to various audiences to better engage a wide range of people
To have a clearer message
To promote our achievements
Recruit new members
Improve our public image
Listen to the experiences and needs of our partners
To better explain the work of our partners
Engage the clergy
Raise our public profile and visibility, which will help fundraise
Reinforce our alliances and partnerships


  1. This is a most fantastic list of our "MUST" to dos. They are clear and envisioning !

  2. I was a participant by telephone and I must say that it was a most rewarding experience. At first I wondered how effective it would be. Our facilitator kept us on target and it was all good!
    Debbie - Thunder Bay
