At all the Regional Assemblies, we asked members to record messages for the delegates of the Orientation Assembly. After listening to all the messages from across the country, some common ideas and themes have emerged. Here are some of them:
- The immersion trips are very important for creating solidarity between D&P members and our partners in the Global South;
- There is a need to work more actively to reach people who are not very active with their Church but who share our values;
- To have more materials available would be helpful to get D&Ps work made known;
- There is a need to get the word out more about D&P;
- D&P needs a clear identity and branding;
- D&P members could benefit from training as advocates for our causes;
From these points and those from your regional assemblies, please let us know what encourages you most and what discourages you most?
I believe that our best reflection on what Development and Peace does is by developing local projects ; create inserts in bulletins; use the offerings of the media but carefully channel the talks though animators and directors - local papers, networking projects on a euchenemical basis, incite interest in the Fair Trade coffee and tea sales by having talks; create interesting projects where both youth and other members work very closely together; keep our ears open whereby we can hear of other organizations plights and support and work with them ( ex. "Watercan" organization in Ottawa; working inner city with Communities, hostels, etc ). We can only be as successful as where our hands and feet lead us....
ReplyDeleteLa deuxième et la sixième. J'ai bénéficié d'une immersion récemment. Cela a mis en relief l'importance des 2 points retenus dans une perspective d'éducation populaire ouverte, horizontale, joyeuse, transparente, en mouvement comme l'eau.
ReplyDeleteEncore elle. Et c'était encore moi...en attendant que d'autres se manifestent...
I think a key is networking - at all levels. At the grassroots, local level, networking between members, parish and schools connected to the parish are important. Parish councils should have a D&P rep.. Same for the diocesan level. Networking is important - networking between dioceses and school boards, and with CWL and Knights of Columbus groups. Same for the provincial and national levels. And I agree that the immersion trips are very important. But wouldn't it be great to take a CWL member, a Knight of Columbus and a school board director, even a teacher, along. Networking with local and national media is also key. Animators are what help to facilitate all of this and so it is not good that D&P is cutting them.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Thunder Bay