Sunday, June 20, 2010

Missing elements? What should we add to our report?

After further group discussions some missing elements were identified. Those that are highlighted are under consideration to be added to the final report.

Strengthening and mobilizing our members, including parishioners

Greater emphasis on advocacy

The diversification of revenues and financial stability

Visit from partners from the Global South

Need to include outreach to children

Clarification of who we are, our identity

Education and advocacy are linked but both need a firm identity

Greater emphasis on the Catholic Social Teachings and Caritas in Veritate

A recruitment strategy must encompass non-practicing Catholics, ethno-cultural communities and those who share our values

Do a better follow-up after immersion trips

Need to engage teachers and others in the educational profession

Need to reach the 25 to 55 age group

Gives us the means to reach our financial objectives

Education versus awareness

The role of the members in realizing the strategic planning

Anything to add? Let us know!


  1. I am wondering if there could be a clarification about what is meant by "education versus awareness"?

  2. Yes, to clarify D&P often speaks of doing education, but in reality we are creating awareness about issues in the Global South, and a greater distinction should be made.

  3. Need to engage teachers and others in the educational profession

    This could be done easily. D&P needs to contract teachers to start writing curriculum for them. For years, there have been resolutions asking for materials for primary and junior classes. The response has always been - we don't have the resources to do this.

    We actually have great social capital in this area. Many teachers would be very happy to write curriculum for D&P. The material produced could then be posted on the web site, just like CAFOD does.


    Paul McGuire

  4. What a fantastic roundup of elements and goals! I am sure that once the mobilization of these futher ideas gets going and circulating; the tides will turn so favorably...

  5. As I see it, creating awareness is giving people knowledge of situations in the Global South. Education is giving people the analytical tools and leadership skills to positively contribute with Southern partners to change those situations our sisters and brothers suffer in the Global South. It moves people from "I know what is happening" to I know what is happening, I understand why it is happening, and I know what we (I) need to do to help change it."

    John Gabor
    Animator, BC/Yukon
